Frequently Asked Questions FAQs on Bach Flower Remedies and Rescue Remedy discovered by Dr Edward Bach - Healing for better emotion and health
Frequently Asked Questions
About Bach Flower Remedies
What are Bach Flower Remedies?
Bach Flower Remedies, discovered by Dr Edward Bach, are made by using parts of plants that have healing vibration energy. The healing vibration energy is transferred into water using either the Sun method or the Boiling method. The energized water is then made into mother tincture. The mother tincture is then diluted to make stock remedies. There are 38 Bach Flower Remedies, each directed at a particular characteristic or emotional state. With the 38 remedies, there are nearly 293 million available combinations. There is no personality, emotional states or moods that cannot be addressed by the remedies. This complete system is timeless, applicable for all times.
What are Bach Flower Remedies for? When should I use Bach Flower Remedies?
Bach Flower Remedies are 'medicines' for the emotions that aim to balance negative states of mind and resolve character defects by encouraging the corresponding virtue.
One can use the Bach Flower Remedies to:
cope and deal better with emergencies, crisis, critical or harsh situations.
overcome a passing mood when faced with daily challenges.
resolve deep-rooted emotions that have been built up over a prolonged period.
resolve personal weaknesses due to personality traits
How do Bach Flower Remedies work?
The Bach Flower Remedies re-energize the positive emotions, and do not put qualities into us that were not there before. Instead, they encourage and enhance the positive emotions that were already in us, so that they become strong enough to drive out the negative feelings that were dragging us out of balance.
Who can use Bach Flower Remedies?
Everyone, including children, babies, animals and even plants, can use the Bach Flower Remedies.
We, and all beings have emotions. Having emotions is not being emotional. Anyone who says they have no emotions is surely having some emotional difficulties. There are Bach Flower Remedies for such emotion states too.
How DO I know whether I need to use Bach Flower Remedies? I think I'm doing fine.
Ask yourself some questions:
Are you feeling balanced?
Are you feeling blissful?
Do you feel a sense of satisfaction in your life?
Is your happiness index high?
Are you physically healthy?
If you have ‘yes’ to these questions, well done, you do not need to take the Bach Flower Remedies now.
However, if you have ‘no’ to any of these questions, it will do you a lot of good to take some Bach Flower Remedies now.
How are Bach Flower Remedies PRepared?
The Bach Flower Remedies are prepared using either the sun method or the boiling method.
The sun method involves floating flowerheads in a clear glass bowl filled with natural spring water. This is left in bright sunlight for three hours, then the flowerheads are removed and the energized water is mixed half and half with brandy.
The boiling method involves putting flowering twigs into a pan of spring water and boiling them for half an hour. The pan is then left to cool, the plant matter removed, and again the water is mixed half and half with brandy. In both cases the resulting mix is known as mother tincture. This is diluted at the rate of two drops per 30mls of brandy to make the stock bottles sold in the shops.
Should I be concerned with the alcohol content in the Bach Flower Remedies?
The alcohol content, in the undiluted remedy can usually be ignored as the amount in a dose is so small that it is safe even for children, babies, animals and even plants. The amount of alcohol content in a diluted customized Bach Flower Remedies mixture is similar to the amount of natural alcohol content that can be found in a banana. So, if you have been fine eating banana, for sure, you would not be drunk with the insignificant amount of alcohol content in Bach Flower Remedies.
However, if there are concerns due to religion or other reasons, you may add the Bach Flower Remedies drops into boiling water to vaporize the alcohol. Alternatively, you may apply the Bach Flower Remedies externally on pulse points. Then again, taking the Bach Flower Remedies orally is still the most effective way.
Do the Bach Flower remedies work faster if you do not dilute them?
If you do not dilute them, the brandy in the stock bottle will taste stronger and this may give the impression that the essences are stronger. This is not the case. There is no difference in potency or speed of effect between taking four drops from a customized remedies mixture bottle and taking two drops directly from the stock remedy.
I have not heard about Bach Flower Remedies before. Is it something new?
Bach Flower Remedies has been widely used in many countries over 70 years. Singapore is relatively new to Bach Flower Remedies. But aren’t we fortunate that Bach Flower Remedies has finally reached Singapore?
can Bach Flower Remedies help WITH MY ILLNEsS?
Illness is the result of disharmony between soul and mind. Any disturbance of the mind, such as continued worry, fear or depression, would not only result in lack of peace and serenity, but would be communicated to the physical body as illness or physical ailments. So long as there is balance and harmony within oneself, all is joy and peace, happiness and health.
The Bach Flower Remedies do not treat physical complaints directly. Instead they help by treating the negative emotional states that provoke or worsen illnesses. This means the way to select the correct remedies is always to think about the sort of person you are and about your current emotional state. Diagnosis and treatment happen on the level of emotion, spirit and mind. Balance here will in turn affect the health of the body. Emotional states are used as the key to unlock the body's natural capacity to heal itself.
What is the remedy for my skin allergies or rashes?
When there are negative emotional states that have been repressed or not dealt with a prolonged period of time, our body might show it via skin allergies, rashes or other physical ailments. The Bach Flower Remedies do not treat skin allergies or rashes directly. Instead they help by treating the negative emotional states that provoke the outbreak of ailments. The emotion states would need to be identified to select the appropriate Bach Flower Remedies. In addition, one may choose to concurrently use the Rescue Remedy Cream which contains Crab Apple. Crap Apple is a cleansing remedy for both the physical and emotional.
Do the Bach Flower Remedies really work?
An absolute ‘Yes’. The only times when Bach Flower Remedies do not work is when the person taking the Bach Flower Remedies (1) do not take them regularly during the treatment period, (2) do not take the required minimum dosage, OR, (3) select inappropriate Bach Flower Remedies that do not correspond with their actual emotional states.
Is there any side effects with taking the bach flower remedies?
There is no side-effect with taking the Bach Flower Remedies. It is safe even for children, babies, animals and even plants.
How do I take the Bach Flower Remedies?
If the Bach Flower Remedies are taken to overcome passing moods when faced with daily challenges, you can select the appropriate remedies and add 2 drops of each of the selected remedies into any drinking water, beverage or food.
If the Rescue Remedy is to be taken during emergencies, crisis, critical or harsh situations, you need to add 4 drops of the Rescue Remedy into the any drinking water, beverage or food.
For the above cases, take the Bach Flower Remedies as many dosages as required, till you are feeling balanced and calm again.
If the Bach Flower Remedies are taken to resolve deep-rooted emotions or personality weaknesses, you need to prepare a customized Bach Remedies mixture. Add 4 drops from the customized remedies mixture into any drinking water, beverage or food. The minimal required dosage is 4 times daily, i.e. once after waking up, once before sleeping, and twice during the day. You will need to take the Bach Flower Remedies for 3 weeks, and this is also how long a 30ml bottle of customized remedies mixture will last.
How do I prepare a customized remedies mixture
First, you need to identify your current emotional states that is dragging you off-balance. Select the Bach Flower Remedies that are appropriate to your current emotion states. If you need help on selecting the appropriate Bach Flower Remedies, do not hesitate to contact us.
Add 2 drops from each of the selected Bach Flower Remedies into a sterilized 30ml empty dropper bottle and top up with pure mineral water (personally, I prefer Evian).
Note: a maximum of 7 Bach Flower Remedies can only be added at any one time. Any more than that, the effect will be overwhelming and confusing. Taking more remedies than are actually needed means that the focus is lost, and the ones that are necessary will not work as well or quickly as they might otherwise have done.
The bottle of Customized Bach Remedies Mixture will last for 3 weeks and it needs to be kept in the fridge to keep fresh. If you are not able to keep it in the fridge, then you need to add a teaspoon of brandy, apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin to keep fresh.
If you need help to prepare a Customized Bach Remedies Mixture, click here.
I know one can only take maximum of 7 Bach Flower Remedies at any one time, but I feel I need more than 7 Bach Flower Remedies. What should I do?
It's quite common for people to feel they need more than six or seven remedies. Some might feel they need 12, 15, 20 remedies or more. However, taking more remedies than are actually needed means that the focus is lost, and the ones that are necessary will not work as well or quickly as they might otherwise have done.
The answer to this is to think about how you feel now and treat that. If you have a lot of remedies on your list but many of them are for things you felt yesterday or last week or ten years ago, then you can leave those out. Treat your main feelings, and when the remedies have dealt with these you can move on to the issues that were in the background.
When does one stop taking the bach flower remedies?
Taking the Bach Flower Remedies is non-habit forming and non-addictive. One may stop taking the Bach Flower Remedies when the problem that is being treated has gone.
Is it safe to take bach flower remedies alongside with other medicines or treatments?
Yes, it is safe to take the Bach Flower Remedies alongside with other kinds of medicine, treatment, or healing practices.
Is it safe to take the remedies if you are pregnant?
Yes, it is safe. The alcohol in the undiluted remedy can usually be ignored as the amount in a dose is so small that it is safe even for children, babies, animals and plants. However, if you have any worries on this score we would always advise that you talk to your doctor or midwife.
How can 38 remedies cover all known states of mind?
A useful analogy is with the world of colour. There are only three basic colours (red, blue yellow), yet every visible colour can be produced when they are combined. In the same way there are 38 basic states of mind. Combining them gives hundreds of millions of variations.
Why do the stock remedies have a use-by date now? Should they be discarded after this date?
By law the stock bottles have to carry a use-by date. The five year period relates to the shelf life of brandy stored in a rubber-topped bottle. The remedies themselves will keep their properties indefinitely (although the brandy may begin to taste a little strange after the five year period).
Where can I buy Bach Flower remedies?
You may buy any Bach Flower Remedies, customized Bach Flower Remedies Mixture, accessories or books on Bach Flower Remedies from SimplyBach's online store. If you need help, please contact us.
About SimplyBach
Why is simplybach set up?
The founder of SimplyBach, Joanne Thia, who is a BFRP - Bach Foundation International Registered Practitioner, had first-hand experience of the healing properties of Bach Flower Remedies during her darkest moments. She feels that Bach Flower Remedies had given her a second chance in life, and it has become her conviction and passion to help others to have a chance for a more fulfilling and satisfying life too. She has found her life calling in setting up SimplyBach, to spread Dr Edward Bach’s great knowledge and discovery of the Bach system.
Why is it called SimplyBach?
Dr Edward Bach believed in self-help. He wanted us to have the power to heal ourselves and each other, which is why he made his system of flower remedies as simple as possible. Hence, SimplyBach is named as such to reflect Dr Bach's ideals of self-help and simplicity.
About Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner
What is 'Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner'?
Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners (BFRPs) are professional practitioners specializing in Bach Flower Remedies, certified and recognized by The Bach Centre to be included in Bach Foundation International Register. The Bach Centre is located at UK, Mount Vernon, and was the home and workplace of Dr Edward Bach in the years when he completed research into his flower remedy system.
The full answer to this lies in reading the full Code of Practice, but a short summary of the main points is that BFRPs promise to:
Work with the remedies using Dr Edward Bach's own methods
Present the 38 remedies as a separate system - i.e. not confuse it with other approaches to health, including other flower essence systems
Teach their clients how to use the remedies for themselves
Talk about and use the remedies in a simple, straightforward way
All of these promises reflect Dr Bach's ideals of self-help and simplicity.